Hi. I saw in a post of yours that you are a Prevacid rep. What are your thoughts on PPI use while breast feeding? I know it hasn't been well studied and doctors play it safe by saying to avoid BFing if maintained on PPIs. What's the general industry stance on the issue?
I've been on Nexium for about 4-5 years now. I've tried weaning off of it, switching to "safer" H2 blockers, even living on TUMs around the clock -- but I need my Nexium. All my docs (GI, OB, RE) are all fine with Nexium during PG -- but when I ask about BFing -- they give me the "it's not recommended" speech.
I really want to BF....I cannot be taken off Nexium ....it's frustrating. I'll ask the pediatricians during initial consults.