I am planning DH a surprise 40th casino night party for Dec. 27th. The RSVP date had come and gone and his brother had not responded. I wrote an email and he said they didn't have a sitter. I told him that the whole family was invited. It has been a week and still no response.
I knew something was up, so i asked my MIL. She said he was mad b/c we didn't ask him to be Aubreigh's Godfather in October and some nonsense about DH taking over the Eagles season tickets when their father passed away. So him and his family are not coming.
As for the Godparent part, BIL is very unstable. He is constantly fighting with his wife, going to court over his neighbor or job, and constantly crying poverty and mooching off others. ANd he did not make DH a Godparent until his 3rd child, so I don't see what the big deal is.
As far as the Eagles season tickets go....get over it. Their father has been dead for nearly 10 years, and they are expensive, and he never has money anyway. DH would gladly give him tickets for games at face value....but he is not going to give him several hundred dollars worth of tickets for free.
So i feel really bad for DH and i just had to vent. There will be over 50 ppl at the party, yet his own brother chooses not to come for a reason DH has no clue about.
Sorry for the vent, it is just that I can't vent to DH because of the surprise. I have to remain composed. I think i have decided not to contact the BIL again because i am not going to feed into his drama and give him the satisfaction of creating more.
UGH.....now i just have to get through xmas eve with them! yuck!
any suggestions?
Re: BIL vent......
and on another note, I love your sig pics! Aubreigh is so beautiful!
Honestly he is a DB! ?he only told your MIL so she could fight his battles for him! ? You cant pick family and some times they are just not appropriate to include...His gripe is more important then celebrating a 40th birthday...he probably doesnt want to buy a gift... because he is so selfish and tells himself its about all this other craP!!!!! ? ?My dh's sister didnt make him godfather of first son because she disowned him(drama queen) because she didnt like the skin color of his girlfriend at the time!!!somone he was DATING!!!!!!!!!!!! ?And she THINKS shes in the running for our child...she has another thing comin!!!! ?she hates church and makes her mil take son so she doesnt have to!!!! ?
You guys are a unit now and you are doing the right thing...Have a huge smile on your face Christmas Eve because of your family despite his presence....?