Trying to Get Pregnant

go ahead and tell me i am crazy!!

My DH and i havent started trying yet but the last BC pack is in the trash yeah!!

On that note i have been doing everything possible to stay healthy to prepare.  I was at work today and changed a light bulb and it broke all over my desk.  It was one of those timy fourescent bulbs.  I was under the impression those were dangerous to clean up but didnt know that until after i cleaned the mess.  My dad said that its the Mercury i the bulbs and i should be careful around it espceially considering we are going to start trying to concieve soon. 

Go ahead and call me crazy but should i be worried i was exposed to this?  Has anybody else had the same issue?  Any thoughts would be super helpful.   Sorry if that seems like a stupid question!

Re: go ahead and tell me i am crazy!!

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