Parenting after a Loss

speaking of new jobs... (long)

I think I've decided to NOT go back to my teaching job. Wow -- I haven't really spoken that "out loud" yet. Those of you working full time, I give you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much credit. I just don't think I can do it.

But the reality is I have to do something. DH and I looked over our budget this weekend and I basically have to bring in about $1400/month for us to make ends meet. I've been a 1st grade/K teacher for 10 years but my background is actually in math and I've always tutored math on the side. In the town I was teaching in, I charged $80/hour! I don't think I could charge quite as much in the town I live in but it's still quick, easy money and I can do it on weekends or evenings when DH is home and we wouldn't t have to put DD in daycare.

I've always fantasized about starting my own tutoring business. I think I'm going to pursue it, both in the town I was teaching in and the town I live in. I already have 1 student lined up the town I was teaching in and MIL has offered to watch DD every other week so that I can drive up there. I'd love to get a few more students lined up for that same day.

So I've been very busy the past few days. I've emailed all of my old clients, all the teachers in my old school as well as all of the teachers grades 3-12 in the area where I now live. I seriously sent out about 60 emails! ?And I've gotten a lot of positive responses back, one high school teacher who says she is really looking forward to working with me!

Then I called an old client (who didn't even know I'd had a baby!!) to ask if she'd be one of my references and she offered to put up a sign in the Pilates studio she runs. So I made my flier! Her kids are all older now but she might be interested in starting up the tutoring again -- she has FIVE kids!!

I'm actually really really excited. I haven't felt this excited about something professionally in a long long time. I'm a little nervous about tutoring high school level math, as I've only really tutored up through middle school in the past, but like I said I'm excited to start putting my brain back to use!?

Sorry for the long ramble. As some of you know I've been really struggling with this decision and I finally feel like I'm about to really make the right one! :)?

Re: speaking of new jobs... (long)

  • Wow, that's wonderful news!  Congrats to you for going with your heart and pursuing this new-ish career.  I'm so glad you feel like you're making the right decision.  And lots of luck to you!!
  • Wow, I am so happy for you!  You definitely sound excited and motivated... refreshed:)  Good luck!!!
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  • Good for you, I am proud of you for following your heart and doing what is best for you and your family. 


  • That's great abj!  You have to be as creative as you can to make it work... and with a background in tutoring it sounds like you'll be set.  The only thing you'll have to think about is who is going to watch Avery while you are tutoring... but you can figure that out later, once you get a schedule in place.

    Congrats on making the decision.  It feels better, doesn't it?  Being on the fence about these things is so hard.

  • That sounds fantastic, abj!  Good for you!
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  • Sounds great! I'm so happy for you, and speaking as a high school teacher, a little jealous, too! I know you've been agonizing over this decision, so I'm glad you finally came to terms with this.
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
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