I really just want to f*cking kick him right in the shin. Every friggin morning he gets up late, sits on his damn computer, does his business and is 15 minutes late leaving the house. This morning, I finally kick his ass out of bed on time and then couldn't fall back to sleep.?
So I'm up with him & then I realize.... "hey it's easier for him to get to the post office and mail the invitations"...... And it was 10 minutes before he should've left to be on time. Does that make sense? He's supposed to be out of the house at 6am. I had my thought at 10 to. I ask him if he can wait 5 minutes for me to put the address labels on and if he can take them. He says "no I have to leave. I'll do it tomorrow." By tomorrow I could do it myself. Then he says "i'm gonna be late." WHAT!? You can friggin be late every other morning because you're too busy on your computer to realize what time it is, but today you're worried about being late? FU!
I have had it! I have tried talking to him. I have tried writing lists for him. I have tried withholding things from him. I've even tried (gasp!) not doing anything and letting him "see" all that has to be done around here. All that with a baby who wants to snuggle with mommy all day & hates the damn car seat! Which makes it even harder. And now.... I ask him to wait 3 friggin minutes for me to press return labels onto invitations for our child's naming.... and he can't. To hell with him. I just can't deal anymore.??
Re: I love my dh, but sometimes..... (vent)
I vote you kick him in the shins and then you come kick mine in his shins.
I say forget the shins and go straight for the crotch kick.
Men can be SO annoying sometimes.
Sorry he's being a butthead.