Parenting after a Loss


Hey there! I just wanted to say thanks for all your helpful advice on the pumping... its nice to hear from someone who was in a similar situation. I feel exactly the same about my son's tongue - unless our pedi thinks it will cause speech issues, I really don't want to risk any unneccessary cutting. Plus I think I have some structural issues with my breasts that have nothing to do with him - he just seems to have a hard time keeping the nipple in his mouth even when he does somewhat latch...

Anyway- your advice was great and I really appreciate it!!

Re: **OnCloud999**

  • You know, some of those LC are real hippies and are very extreme. Both my family doctor and pedi did not think there was anything wrong with Alex's tongue.

    I too had issues with my breasts. My nipples were very flat and as a result, Alex kept slipping off the breast. THat, combined with my low supply made BF a total disaster. It was too stressful for both of us.

    Sometimes BF just does not work. It doesn't work for everyone. It's nice that these days we have other options like pumping and can still provide breastmilk. Do what's best for you and your little one. Try not to stress over it, it's honestly not worth it. A happy mom = happy baby and that's the most important thing.

    Good luck!

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