Parenting after a Loss

DD's now eating solids

Sophia is now officially on solids.  We started introducing them to her a few weeks ago, but the past few days she's been getting solids once a day.  Today it was peas again - she LOVES them!  She will open her little mouth for more - it's so cute!

She's growing up so fast!

Re: DD's now eating solids

  • So cute! We started in the last couple of weeks, too, and Aidan is all about the fruit!
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
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  • Enjoy it while it lasts. Alex used to love veggies and now I basically have to force a few table spoons into him. LOL. That's wonderful that she is doing so well with solids.
  • Isn't it so much fun?  Emory reaches out and grabs the spoon to try to pull it into her mouth.  And if I take too long to get another spoonful to her mouth, she gets annoyed with me and lets me know all about it!
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