Parenting after a Loss

Baby Sling Recommedations?

Morning ladies! For those of you that use slings, could you please recommend the sling(s) that you like, as well as the general price and place where purchased?


Re: Baby Sling Recommedations?

  • last week I bought the Baby K'Tan Baby Carrier from Target for 39.99.  We looove it!  She didn't like the cradle position too much but the chest to chest puts her right to sleep!  It was easy to figure out, there's 7 or 8 ways to wear it and I like that there is no adjusting it- you pick the size you need from the side of the box.  I have a ring sling too and just could never adjust it right, always got frustrated and then the babe would get mad from me trying it and getting her in and out! 
  • I have the baby k'tan as well and really like it.  Avery likes it as well


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  • I have an ergo carrier that DD and I both love. Sometimes she loves it too much and will only nap strapped to my chest! lol It was about $100 but is so worth it because you can use it all the way through toddler-age. It can be used as a front carrier (like a bjourn) and then a baby backpack when the baby gets older. I have no complaints. It is really really comfy to wear.
  • imageabj22:
    I have an ergo carrier that DD and I both love. Sometimes she loves it too much and will only nap strapped to my chest! lol It was about $100 but is so worth it because you can use it all the way through toddler-age. It can be used as a front carrier (like a bjourn) and then a baby backpack when the baby gets older. I have no complaints. It is really really comfy to wear.

     i've heard great things about the ergo.  my friend even sells them.  I'm going to try one out when i go home for xmas!!

  • I have a Moby wrap and both Allison and I love it!  I wear her for a lot of the day at this point and we're both very comfortable in it.  Like the ergo, it can be used up through toddlerhood and tied up in lots of different configurations to wear the baby in lots of different ways.  I got it as a gift, but I think it's about $40.  There are lots of online sites that sell it and if you go to their web page, you can search for stores in your area that sell it.

    Good luck!

  • We have a moby for me and an ergo for DH, and we love both of them.   We got both at, which has free shipping on orders over $75.  Like the pp said, they are both really versatile with different positions and they both go up to really high weight limits, like 45 pounds or something crazy.  They also both have good back support.

  • we have an ergo and really like it too. it's great when i'm alone with wide awake baby and have to do stuff around the house. haven't used it too much though, but i bought it on the recommendation of friends who have older children and use it all the time.
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