Hey girl... I saw your confession and also your answer to my post. Just wanted to offer my support... I am so sorry you are having a crappy time with the pumping. I'm not that excited about it myself, to put it lightly. May I ask why you are having to pump rather than nurse?
I too am torn about the formula vs pumping issue. I am just trying to make it to 3 months and then reasses.
You've been through so much and I am sorry this has become an issue for you as well. Much love...
Re: **Brooke**
Kellen didn't gain weight very well in the beginning. The dr. wasn't worried but I was. He barely managed to gain a pound in the first six weeks. They diagnosed him with reflux, so we thought that the meds would help, but he still spit up a bunch. It just didn't hurt so much.
With the Bell's Palsy I had to take prednisone. I was uncomfortable with the idea of him getting my milk close to when I took the meds, so we were bottle feeding once or twice a day and then nursing. Within a week of that he had gained a pound, and I realized what a true wet diaper was. We started introducing more formula, and he has now gained 5 pounds from his birth weight and is back up to the 50th percentile. When I nurse he seems to spit up more, so I am now pumping. Because of our trip to California my supply dropped a lot (just wasn't keeping up with it). So I am trying to build back up to being able to pump at least 9 ounces a day (which is a challenge right now). Stress is not good for breast feeding... I am sure it will be better with the next kid!
I would like to make it through the winter just to give him my antibodies (of which I'm not sure I have!). But I'm also not going to beat myself up over it. He is thriving on formula and for that I am glad (plus my husband has to be much more involved... particularly at 2 am!).