This was posted on my local board and I thought I would share for those interested.
Reflux Cure without drugs
I thought I post this as I didn't see any discussions that included it. If this didn't work, I would have continued using the Rx drugs because frankly no mom can watch her baby be in pain. But in the end, I really wanted to find a solution that didn't involve drugs and so I tried something that I felt equally unsure about - a chiropractor. Below is all the details of what we did and how we ended up finding something that worked for us. If you have experiences (good or bad), I'll love to see them posted for other moms going through this.
At 5 weeks, our daughter started having issues with reflux and projectile vomitting that had her crying (a cry I never heard before) unless she was asleep. I tried removing dairy from my diet with no reduction in screaming after a week. We went to the pedi and she had us go for an ultrasound (to check for a stomach defect), but it wasn't that either. She put my baby on Zantac and that helped a lot - still puking but screaming stopped. I tried taking out all dairy, eggs, nuts, caffeine, chocolate, citris fruits, anything that could cause reflux. We also keep her vertical for 15 minutes after eating. After one week, we tried to take her off Zantac and after a few hours, she was back to screaming. We tried to wait out 12 hours but no improvement so we put her back on Zantac. After 2 weeks of no drug-free solution, I did more internet research and found moms who were successful with chiropractors. I asked my midwife for a recommendation and one was in the Heights.
Ok, unlike what they do for adults, there is no popping or cracking. The chiropractor gently feels along the spine and massages the spine into the correct position. Sometimes they use a gun-like thing that does a gentle tap (I had him do it on my hand first). We went to the chiropractor 3 times (Wed, Fri, and Sat) and kept her on Zantac until the last adjustment. We noticed immediately a change in her poop to a brigther yellow and not mucusy like it had become. She was not bothered at all by the adjustment and slept great afterward. On Saturday, we took her off Zantac and she was so much better. She still fusses a little between 5-8 at night but she did that with Zantac. It's now been almost 2 weeks and no return of previous problems.
Re: Reflux