Please don't take this the wrong way, but you should never elicit pooping with poking.? Babies have very weak abdominal muscles, and always have difficulty pooping and passing gas at first because they can't bear down.? As their digestive systems mature, they get it, but they are VERY uncomfortable at first, they often cry about, and it's 100% normal.? I've never, ever, ever heard of a baby with a "broken butt."??
I understand it might sound odd if you haven't seen my previous posts. ?My baby has something wrong with his sphincter, as diagnosed by his pediatrician and confirmed by the g.i. experts at the children's hospital. ?It is too tight, and he is absolutely incapable of passing gas and stool on his own. ?By the time we figured this out the first time, his poor belly was totally distended, and the doctor had to use his finger to "unplug" him and elicit a giant stream of gas and poo. ?Now we have to do it ourselves after each feeding, gently stretching his sphincter with a thermometer, and all the gas and poo comes out. ?Sometimes we just have to pull his buttcheeks apart to open up his sphincter, but he cannot do it by himself. ?The hope is it will stretch a little and as his muscle control gets better and he'll be able to do it himself, but this is what needs to happen for now. ?I understand if you haven't heard of this, I hadn't either before it happened to him.
Re: ***us2andKatetoo***