DISCLAIMER: Allison is a VERY good baby. We have had almost no problems with sleeping and no problems with eating. She is very laid back and adaptable. Most things about having a new baby have been pretty easy for us to deal with. I think it's me that has the problems!
We tried to put DD to sleep last night at 8:30 and she did fall asleep and was happily sleeping in her cosleeper when the phone rang and woke her up (I left it on the nightstand right next to her head accidentally!). I then tried to console her for 2.5 hours (see post from last night) while DH talked to his parents on the phone. I don't know who was more upset, me or DD. I cried just as hard as she did because I couldn't soothe her!
She finally went to sleep about 11:00 and slept until 5am. Great, right? No. She'll usually only sleep 3 or 4 hours at a time at night, so I was worried about why she was sleeping so much so I woke up at least 3 times between 2 and 5 to check on her. Then, after she got up, got changed, and ate at 5am, she went back to sleep and was making horrible gurgling noises. I thought she was dying for sure and laid there in bed for almost 3 hours crying while watching her for signs of distress.
DH got up for work at 8 and took her for an hour so I could sleep a little. When he brought her back to me, I nursed her in the side-lying position because I know that will knock her out every time. She (and I) slept until 11am. I woke up at 11 because I had a dream that I smothered her with my boob (not unrealistic when you consider they're a size 38H!). I panicked and woke her up to make sure she was OK.
Does anyone else have anxiety like this or should I talk to my doctor about increasing my Wellbutrin dosage? I'm not sure how much is "OK" for a new mom and how much is over the top.
LOL! I just realized I have anxiety about my anxiety!
Re: anyone else have anxiety issues?
you're not alone. The last few nights i find myself leaning over & sticking my head in the bassinet to hear her breathe. I used to turn on the lamp to watch chest move.?
Whenever she sleeps in my bed i always feel like she's gonna be smothered by the 38f's. ?
i don't have anxiety over my anxiety though..... lol
Raises hand...
I think I am a closet Anxiety Queen. On a very serious note, I am beginning to wonder if I should call my doc for further consult. I worry excessively about everything - from motherhood issues to economy to PP body, and then back to motherhood. I believe that having a baby has brought all of my anxiety issues to a whole new level.
As my DH pointed out last night, the amount of anxiety I am carrying around is not a good way to live and is most likely not normal. Being a worry wort all my life, I feel like this is the only way I know how to function.
I'm sorry if I have rambled on an on, however the timing of this message struck a cord with issues I find myself thinking of.
I commend a lot of the women here for opening up about a lot of normally off topic subjects - it has made me realize that I am not alone and that there may be readily available solutions...
You mean the anxiety doesn't go away when you get your outside baby?
Crap. I should stop lurking on this board, then.
Yes, I have generalized anxiety disorder that was triggered by DD's birth and I have just been living with since DS's birth last month. I would think that when you and your DH feel that your anxiety is having a major impact on your lives, you should talk to your doctor. If it is stopping you from doing otherwise normal things, or making you do things that are not normal, for instance.
I know I need to follow my own advice, but it is such a pain with insurance. I am on a different insurance than I was the last time I was on med's and in therapy, so I will basically have to start all over, probably with a new therapist, etc...
Here is my little deal. My anxiety starts when the sun goes down. I start to freak out only around that time. I don't know why. I'm fine during the day and late at night.
I don't worry about DS not breathing really. I did that the first two weeks. I don't cosleep b/c I am afarid to roll over him. I think the first couple of times DS sleeps longer than 4 hours, I'll freak too. Long sleeping just isn't his normal yet. I'd also be ticked to if the phone woke DS. It is too hard to get him to sleep. I think your okay, but I also worry about me being okay! Let's see what everyone else thinks.
i have anxiety AND i have anxiety about my anxiety!! ?i have been on zoloft for years. ?after consulting with my doctors i never went off of it during pregnancy. ?i had a REALLY hard time after finnegan was born. ?i don't know whether it was PPD or just (notice the italics, please!) the baby blues but it was bad. ?you are not alone. ?when he is so upset i get upset, too. ?and i think that my anxiety about his crying gets me more anxious which in turn makes him continue to cry!
side note: can't wait to see you thursday!!!?
Photo courtesy of www.yaporiginals.com
It's Beshert
Photo courtesy of www.yaporiginals.com
It's Beshert
sounds like a typical night to me
I am glad that I am not the only one who worries about the baby suffocating. I worry about it at night and in the car - for some reason I am convinced that the car seat straps are going to strangle Michael. It gets so bad that I have pulled over on the side of I-95 to get out and check on him. Then we get home and I sit around and poke him to make sure he rustles while he sleeps and isn't dead. Ugh, it sounds so awful when I type it out...
And these are what I consider the "normal" worries, don't get me started on the irrational ones!