
NOW my son has an infection & my husband showed no concern!!

 My husband and I sent to the hospital today. (he's acting like NOTHING is wrong AND he's NOT wearing his wedding ring now!!) We took my sons temperature and changed his diaper and his temperature was really low. I felt him and he felt really cold too. I told the nurse and she took his temperature too and same thing. Then she took the rectal temperature 2X's and same thing. She then called the Dr. I was soooo scared. The Dr. said he's not holding his temperature and they will have to incubate him and do lab work because he may now have a infection. My heart dropped. They told us to call back in a few hours. I did and now they confirmed he now has an infection. They don't know what kind but they wont know for 24-48 hours when the blood work comes back. I was sooo upset, my husband showed no emotion or concern. I was mad!!

Re: NOW my son has an infection & my husband showed no concern!!

  • My DH and I went through some tough times before the girls were born, to the point of talking divorce. There were times when he didn't act concerned about me or the girls and it really hurt. However, I kept on with my life and didn't bother him. Eventually he realized that I would be just fine without him, but that he didn't want to be without us. Be strong for you and your little boy - he needs it! And I really hope he gets over this infection very soon.
  • nbjenni's advice is perfect.......keep going with your own life.......
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  • imagenbjenni:
    My DH and I went through some tough times before the girls were born, to the point of talking divorce. There were times when he didn't act concerned about me or the girls and it really hurt. However, I kept on with my life and didn't bother him. Eventually he realized that I would be just fine without him, but that he didn't want to be without us. Be strong for you and your little boy - he needs it! And I really hope he gets over this infection very soon.


     Thank you, that's exactually what I'm doing now and I think he may be coming around. He's being extra nice right now. My sisters say he's just being nice because he knows you can take him to the cleaners LOL

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