This is an update from my post last night re: my water breaking/fluid leaking. I did call my OB, who told me to go to L&D. When I got there, they did the test with the tape to see if my water had broken or if I was leaking amniotic fluid and it showed I was not. So then they put me on the monitors, and I was contracting. They were pretty strong & painful ( defn. not BH), but were only 10 min. apart. But I had to stay overnight to be put back on the monitors in the morning & be seen by a doctor (I didn't get off the monitors until 3:00 am). In the morning, the contractions were still happening, but not as much. The doctor did an internal w/ speculum to make sure that there was not a pooling of amniotic fluid internally, and confirmed that my cervix remained closed despite the contractions. So they sent me home. Don't know what all this means re: when the babies will come. Any ideas/predictions/experiences would be appreciated! TIA
Re: Back from 1st trip to L & D
Glad to hear everything's ok. I started pre-term labor at 30w with contractions 2 min apart and not dilated or effaced. I went on bed rest. I delivered at 32w when my water broke. I'd try and take it as easy as possible. You've already made it further then I did and you're doing great. Stay hydrate and get as much rest as possible.
Aubrey & Anthony