
Back from 1st trip to L & D

This is an update from my post last night re: my water breaking/fluid leaking. I did call my OB, who told me to go to L&D. When I got there, they did the test with the tape to see if my water had broken or if I was leaking amniotic fluid and it showed I was not. So then they put me on the monitors, and I was contracting. They were pretty strong & painful ( defn. not BH), but were only 10 min. apart.  But I had to stay overnight to be put back on the monitors in the morning & be seen by a doctor (I didn't get off the monitors until 3:00 am). In the morning, the contractions were still happening, but not as much. The doctor did an internal w/ speculum to make sure that there was not a pooling of amniotic fluid internally, and confirmed that my cervix remained closed despite the contractions. So they sent me home. Don't know what all this means re: when the babies will come. Any ideas/predictions/experiences would be appreciated! TIA

Re: Back from 1st trip to L & D

  • Glad to hear everything's ok.  I started pre-term labor at 30w with contractions 2 min apart and not dilated or effaced.  I went on bed rest.  I delivered at 32w when my water broke.  I'd try and take it as easy as possible.  You've already made it further then I did and you're doing great.  Stay hydrate and get as much rest as possible. 

    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • congrats to you on myking it to 34 weeks without any trips to L&D.  That in and of itself is a feat.
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  • Glad to hear you are back home and there wasnt a leak. Just keep holding those babies in there as long as possible, trust me, I know it is not easy I am right there with ya.
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  • I had a lot of those real contractions around 24 weeks on.  The doctors said I had a cervix of steel and would always send me home without meds or any intervention.  A routine internal around 32 weeks found I was 1-2 cm dilated. By 34 weeks, I was 4 cm dilated.  I continued w/ the real contractions and they even became more painful after 34 weeks, but they never became regular. Wouldn't you know it... I had to be induced at 38 weeks (and I was still 4-4 1/2 cm!). So its quite possible you may have weeks left of this! Hang in there! I know it is tough and stressful at this point. Especially with another little one at home to take care of! Best of luck...
  • I  have no advice but just want to say I hope everything is ok and you are able to hang on a bit longer! Good luck!
  • I'm glad to hear you went in and got checked out.  I hope your babies will stay put for a couple more weeks!
  • I am happy to hear that it was not your water that broke but I also know how it feels to walk out of there with no explanation.  It drives you even more crazy because you have no clue what is to come.  Like the others said, hang in there, drink lots of water and rest.
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  • I'm so glad you posted, I kept checking back in to see what happened.  You are 34 weeks, right?  It really could be any day - your contractions will start making some progress on your cervix if they stay consistent.  Try to hang in there - you are nearing the end!
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