Parenting after a Loss

So this is where everyone is!

I didn't even know about this board until recently. Looks like I will be joining you all in about 2 weeks!

Will you save me a seat until then?

Re: So this is where everyone is!

  • OMG!! Two weeks!  Skat honey, I am so excited for you.  How are you feeling?  Can't wait to see you and the kittens!
  • wohoooo, can't wait to see you here!
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  • I miss you, Skat.  I go to SAL every once in a while, but most of the questions are about pg (naturally), and this board is a better fit for me.  But you, Newt, Maybride, etc need to get on over...

    Be well, much love, Jill



  • Thanks ladies! I've missed you all too. Lots of new faces on the SAL board (which is as it should be) but I miss all my buddies.

    Mia, I feel pretty good, all things considering. I'm definitely starting to hit that "last few weeks" wall though..sleeping and walking are difficult as is breathing. My "baby A" is still stubbornly breech so she isn't dropping (hence the difficulty breathing) but so far they are doing great and I feel pretty darn lucky that it looks like I will get all the way to 38 weeks with twins!

  • yay!!!!! here i thought you were gonna say you were already joining us! whew! but i can't wait!
  • I'm so happy to hear you are hanging in there so well.. it's a blessing!  Are you on mat leave yet?  I hope so!
  • :) I can't wait to see the kittens!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wow I can't believe your little ones will be here in 2 weeks, time flies.


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