Hi all, I recognize many names here from SAL. I am so happy and relieved to be here parenting after such a long road! We are finding our way through bfing and burping. I am tired but having Ryan here after all this struggle is such a happy blessing. I am pasting my birth story below which I had posted on SAL. I will figure out how to PIP and change my ticker soon!
Hi there, thought I would get to this sooner than now but ya know. If you did not know, I had issues with vasa previa and velamentous cord insertion and had been on very restricted bed rest since mid Sept. I went in for amnio on 12/1 and dr said baby looked good and we didn't need to do test. I was to go in 12/2 afternoon for c-section. It is very important for my condition not to go into labor as it will be fatal for the baby. On 12/2 I went in and they hooked me up to NST. There were so many births that day at the hospital that they were going to have to take me an hour late. (I guess everyone crossed their legs during thanksgiving weekend!). So as I am lying there on the NST, I feel some tensing in my abdomen. I tell the nurse I am finally feeling something that if I didn't know better i would think was a ctx. Nurse looked at strip and said i was having regular contractions 5 min apart and had been having them! She said I would have been coming in regardless to deliver with ctx like that! I think I would have had him in my bathtub because I wasn't feeling anything except that one. I felt two others after that but just randomly and really not strong enough that if I had been home, I would have known they were contractions. I texted Sueball at this point to give her an update.
They took me in for the c-section and after much debate (re my phospolipid issue & heparin), they decided to do spinal block. The numbing shot was a little painful but the whole bit wasn't as bad as I had feared. They cut my skin and then DH was brought in. My arms were out on boards but they didn't strap me down. I had thought about asking to watch the procedure (it doesn't gross me out) but the spinal was making it a little hard to breathe so they had me on oxygen and I couldn't move my legs which freaks me out so I decided to not add anything more to the mix. When it finally came time to get him out, they REALLY had to put pressure on. I really felt it and DH said their feet were off the ground with the pushing. I think there were about 10 pushes and he was out. I heard him crying and could see how pink he was so I started crying because I knew those were good signs. I got to carry him to recovery but there my arms were so weak (thanks bedrest) that I couldn't hold him long so tehy didn't let me try and nurse. I ended up in recovery for over 4 hrs because I still couldn't feel my legs. it took a really long time before they were normal.
We finallly decided on a name: Ryan Jameson and he is 8 lbs 13 oz (!) at birth and 20 1/4 inches long (I texted sueball but I see she delivered as well so don't know if she was able to post). When I figure out how to pip I will put up a picture. We spent the whole first night admiring him. I was too excited to sleep and he was very alert just looking around in between feeds and pees.
I am still so overwhelmed that he made it out alive and all was good. Nurse said afterwards that his head was so round that he had not descended into birth canal and I would have needed a emergency c-section if I would have tried an induction. I am glad I didn't go that way. He is a sweetie and we are so in love. Thank you to all of you for all the support. I really could not have made it through these m/c and all of these complications with all of you to talk to. Will jump on soon to post again soon. Well wishes.
Re: New & excited to be here!
Yay, and what a birth story. I remember you, hun. Many welcomes! And many congrats to your family--we can't wait to see pics of your bundle of joy.
Much love, Jill
Welcome, can't wait to see pictures.