I am a teacher and taking this year off. Trying to make a decision about whether or not to go back. In my heart of hearts I know I don't want to go back. I want to be the one to raise DD. I don't want someone else to do it. It's really that simple.
But I am having a hard time letting go of my career. I've taught for 10 years and it's a big part of me. It's something I'm proud of. And I work in a really great district, one of the highest paying in my state. I am feeling very guilty (on many levels) about giving that up. Right now when someone asks what I do, I still tell them I'm a teacher. I guess I'm in limbo this year. I get a taste of being a SAHM but I still get to say I have a career.
DH and I have to work out the finances so I don't even know yet if we can afford for me to be a SAHM permanently. I think I'll definitely need to do something part time, either tutoring or waitressing. ?I'm just trying to sort out all of these feelings in the process.
Anyone else go through this same struggle??
Re: who has decided to become a SAHM?
I have decided to be SAHM and really do not care about a career right now. After we are done having kids and they are all in school, I would get back to a career. However, the economy has crushed this decision, making it impossible for us to live on just DH's salary. So much for that...a working mom I am but not by personal choice.
Hey, I know you're struggling with this. I'm a teacher, too, and I go back when Aidan turns 6 months old (in 6 weeks, boo-hoo). You're lucky to have the whole year. We get up to 2 years off, but I could only afford the 6 months. Do you just get the 1 year?
Anyways, I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I do know that I have to go back for financial reasons at least for now, but I will be taking a longer leave next time around. After going to grad school and achieving prof. status, I don't know that I could give my job up unless we could live very comfortably off of DH's salary (which we definitely could not right now).
I also know that I wouldn't want to waitress or anything like that as I've done that in the past (through college) and I would hate to go back to it. Is there any chance of working part-time in your district? That's something I would be interested in doing if I could.
I am a SAHM, we decided when I was pregnant that I would not go back especially with 2. I really didn't contribute that much to our income (being a teacher) and with the cost of child care for 2 we wouldn't be that better off and I wouldn't get to be with my babies.
We weren't sure that we could afford it either but it is going surprisingly well. It is amazing what you can cut (and don't even miss) and ways to save money here and there.
Good luck
I resigned after 9 years teaching middle school. Like you, I really enjoyed my career. Teaching wasn't just a job, it was part of my identity. But let me tell you, that was nearly 4 years ago, and I've never once regretted my decision to stay home. I have absolutely cherished this time with my boys, and the time has gone by very quickly. They're only little for a short while, and you will never get this opportunity again. I'm pretty sure when I'm on my death bed I won't be thinking "Damn. Wish I had spent more time in the classroom with other people's kids."
I just read a great book on saving money that I've been recommending on the SAHM board. It's called "Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two Income Economy". I've already saved a ton on my grocery bill following the author's suggestions. Maybe she can help you save more for your next leave.
Is this book on amazon.com? I want to get it. DH told me last night that he's not worried about money but I always am. I agree with whoever said that you can cut back and not miss things; it's very true.