Oh, boo hoo. She publically announced she wanted a new Mercedes for her 16th birthday, but only got her mom's "hand me down" Porsche. And BOO to the reporters making this "news".
I don't know why this made me mad--I mean, she is only a kid, and kids do this sort of thing. Maybe because I see so many people right now who would give anything to have their JOB back, or help with a mortgage, or help making ends meet, or help finishing an adoption, or money for IF treatments...
Someone kick her in the a** for me, will you? A little BOOT SCOOT BOOGIE? TIA, Jill
Re: NBR-Miley Cyrus did not get the car she wanted (sob)
Ahhh poor thing a Porsche that is just child abuse.
She needs a reality check badly.
Yeah, my ACHY BREAKY HEART is just bleeding for her.
I think I'll call my parents and inform them I want a hand me down Porsche or new Mercedes for my 40th next year. Just to hear them bust out laughing...
I'm cranky. Sorry
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012