It's now been 13 days since our BC failed and if I had normal AF's, she'd be about 2-3 days late, give or take.
But since I'm nursing, my normal cycle is out the window.
I got a BFN (thank goodness) this morning at 4 am.
So I guess this means I'm officially not pregnant? Even though AF is a no show, that's pretty normal when you're EBF, even if you've already had a super duper light one, right?
Someome tell me I'm not pregnant so I can go on about my life please!
Re: Tested this morning, last test
I've been following your story and didn't realize that you were bf'ing. I had a tiny bit of break through bleeding while I bf'd (for 11 months). I did not get a full fledged period during that time and even the tiny bit of bleeding that I did have was not consistant. I didn't end up getting my full on period until a month or so after I stopped bf'ing completely.
In my experience, I would say you are definitely NOT pregnant.
I'm gonna say it's pretty certain that you are NOT pregnant.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Yes, thanks ladies!
Normally I would not be concerned as I didnt' get AF with #1 until 7.5 months.
But then about a month ago, I did have some bleeding (break through sounds about right), which is why I'm concerned.
Me with my littlest.
It sounds like you are not pg, but maybe call your dr's and get a blood test to be sure?
Good luck!!
Yay! I read once that you are in the clear if you test negative 18 days after a BC fail. But who knows? My best guess is you probably are not pregnant.
I got AF back (while BFing) at 12 months pp.
I really think you are in the clear, but just to be safe...
my friend had sex 5 days before she O'd (she was charting) and she got pg. I would go about your life and relax, but probably take a test 18 days (to ensure max time for implantation) + 5 days (max for sperm to live) beyond when your BC failed (so 23 days after).
But really, just relax and enjoy the holidays!
Liam is 5!