until today. I had to go in for a follow up about my anti-depressant. I was running behind and got there five minutes late and apparently he is "keen on being on time." I can understand that but I signed in, the receptionist never bothered to tell me he couldn't see me and when I finally realized I was prob. out of luck he was about to go to a meeting.They called three people after me who weren't there and he had one lady come back this afternoon b/c she was in the bathroom when he called for her. I felt so bad for her. I know the receptionist thought I was a b*tch b/c I walked out while she was talking to me but I was in tears and about to explode even though it was my fault. I figured it was best to call back when I was calm and knew when I could reschedule. I'm not having a good day.
Re: Ugh. I have never been to a dr. who was on time
That sucks, belle. I didn't know that 5 minutes is such a big deal. ((HUGS))