Ok I have been wondering about DD teething and she would not go down for her nap...was screaming and I'm pretty sure I see a bit of white coming thru so I just gave Oragel for the first time, rocked her and shes now sleeping. But now I'm worried...I've heard people talk about Oragel being dangerous?? Should I not have given it right before a nap? I gave Tylenol last night before bed but I dont want to keep giving Tylenol all the time. Did you use Oragel and how long till tooth comes thru once you see the white??
Re: Baby oragel...worried
I have used Baby Orajel and my boys were fine on it. Just make sure you use a small amount just on the affected area. I think the concern is when you use too much - if some of it goes down the throat it can numb it and the baby can have trouble swallowing and it impacts their gag reflex. This is very rare though - for the most part if used according to the instructions it should be safe and give your little one some relief.
Have you tried Hyland's Teething Tablets? We use those and they work great. We only give Tylenol or Orajel when they're really having trouble eating or sleeping and the Teething Tablets aren't enough.
I was just talking to a friend who is a hygenist and she said not to use it, it just doesn't work that well. I give tylonol or motrin if it's really bothering her. I usually go by process of eminimation. If she is screaming and she doesn't need to eat or sleep or is hurt or any of the usual suspects, and I know a tooth is coming in, I give meds.
I posted with a similar worry. We tried the tablets and they seem to be working better anyway! But I'm not ruling out using it in the future if it helps her - I'm just going to be careful about the amount.