Our baby has it now- it sucks. Poor guy, he has the worst cough. And sometimes he struggles to breathe. We are on day 4, and they said it peaks around day 4 or 5. If it gets worse he'll have to be admitted to the hospital. I really hope it doesn't come to that.
If you had it, can you tell me your experience? How long did it take for your baby to feel better? Did he have to be admitted to the hospital?
Re: XP: Has anyone's baby had RSV?
DS had it. It lasted about 9 days for us, and I agree that days 4-6 were the worst. It wasn't too bad for him - there was no threat of being admitted to the hospital or anything like that. The main thing we noticed was that he was very fussy, and I had to sleep holding him upright in a recliner so that he could breathe comfortably enough to sleep.
The baby from daycare that started the cycle had to have nebulizer treatments.
I was sick with RSV longer than DS, and I now have a sinus infection from hell.
our daughter had it but we didn't experience anything crazier than severe congestion.
But... I kinda did a little additional than just what our pedi told us. The first time she had a cold the dr gave her nasonex to help with the congestion. I also noticed that dh got sick and over it FAST! I was the only one not on nasonex and I was sick the longest.
I had albuterol (sp?) for dd's cough/wheezing but she never really had a bad cough and no wheezing at all. After 4 days of nasonex the congestion went away except for when she cried because of the 2 teeth she was cutting at the same time.
They say the total length could be up to 14 days and all of her symtpoms went away by like halfway through, maybe a day or two more, but that was it.
We used a humidifier in her room, kept using the bulb aspirator to remove any and all congestion we could, kept her on motrin every 8 hours (mainly for the teeth) and that was it really.
GL Our friend's daughter had to go into the hospital when she had it, but she was misdiagnosed and they didn't know she had RSV until it was too late and she was wheezing.