At four months, I'd say hold the baby. If I flew now, I'd need a seat to hold him in since he can't sit on a lap for more than 10 seconds before squirming to escape and explore.
Unless its a super long trip, then its a waste. We flew w DD at that age and she preferred to sit on our lap anyhow, to see out the window, etc. also, you want to nurse (if you are still bF) during take off and landing. Or at least craddle the little one.
We just got back from Florida and I thought it was worth having the seat. I could put him down and let him play with his own toys and not have to hold him the entire time. Plus, it's safer for them to be in a seat during landing and takeoff and in case of a bumpy ride. Good luck!
Re: 4 month old it worth it to buy a seat?
Unless its a super long trip, then its a waste. We flew w DD at that age and she preferred to sit on our lap anyhow, to see out the window, etc. also, you want to nurse (if you are still bF) during take off and landing. Or at least craddle the little one.
Have fun on your trip!