Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Teething help...

Ugh, teething...He has a stuffy nose that even makes it hard to eat. Last night he woke up to stuffy to breathe, and he's a tad fussy. Any tips????



Hippy, a magic oil????

Re: Teething help...

  • Saline works great for a stuffy nose.  If he's in pain you can try Motrin or Tylenol.  Lots of people swear by Hylands teething tablets.  I've tried Motrin, Tylenol and Little Teethers tablets and I swear none of them helped him sleep so I think I give up.

    If it makes ya feel any beter, I think ds has 3  teeth coming in!  He was 7.5 months old before he got his first tooth and now it looks like they're all going to come in at once!

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