Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Getting a xmas gift to DH from DC

Just wondering what kind of things your getting DH from DC.  Its our first xmas so I wanted to get something special.  What are you girls doing?

Re: Getting a xmas gift to DH from DC

  • I think we are going to make a 1st Christmas ornament.  I always get him one each year so maybe something with her handprint?  I haven't quite got a final idea yet.
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
  • DS got DH a basketball jersey of a player that DH loves. Before DS was even born DH got him a basketball, basketball onesies, he had a basketball themed Daddy T-shirt for when DS was born so it was the perfect thing.
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  • Its not something special, its just something cute and funny. I ordered a photo coffee mug for DH with pics of DD and him and DD.  And I got some of his favorite coffee.  I thought it was more appropriate saying it was from DD because her night wakings make him need coffee in the mornings!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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