Babies: 9 - 12 Months

at what age will the dr give my dd meds?

she's had this cold that wont go away and now she's coughing. my poor baby!

Re: at what age will the dr give my dd meds?

  • if its a infection the pedi would give a antibiotic now, if its a virus, it need to just runs its course.
  • Cold meds are not safe under 4yrs.
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  • Have you taken her in at all?  Even if they can't give her any meds, she needs to be checked, especially if she has a cough.  She may have an ear infection, or there maybe be a problem with her lungs.  They ended up putting DS on breathing treatments because his oxygen levels got low.  I know that's not common, but it could have been bad if I hadn't taken him in. 

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  • i'm calling in today. and i hope she can be seen.
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