Babies: 9 - 12 Months

holy crap Ive been doing it wrong the whole time!

I looked up some sample menus for a 7 month old. My dd is happy and healthy but Im totally over feeding her!  I was told to give her a whole stage 2 veggie and whole stage 2 fruit for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is usually just a fruit.  i nurse 4 times a day. Not as long at she used to and only on one side.  What are others doing?  What are good resources to follow?  I thought each jar was one serving!!! ahh jeez

Re: holy crap Ive been doing it wrong the whole time!

  • How can you be doing it "wrong" if she's happy and healthy and enjoying her meals?  Believe it or not, there was a time when parents just did what felt right and not what something said in a book or on the web.  I'm sure you're fine!
  • imageMrs.Donkey:
    How can you be doing it "wrong" if she's happy and healthy and enjoying her meals?  Believe it or not, there was a time when parents just did what felt right and not what something said in a book or on the web.  I'm sure you're fine!

    Agreed.  Babies will stop eating when full.

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  • I agree w/ PP, if she's happy & healthy you're doing fine. FWIW my DS has been eating 4 meals of fruit/vegetable & cereal/yogurt a day plus gets 1 or 2 snacks and at least 32 oz of formula. I don't find him being overfed at all if he doesn't want anymore, he lets us know. As long as you're not forcing food on her, I think she's fine.
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