Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Help - Baby vomiting!

Jack went down at 8, woke up about 10 minutes ago and vomited all over his bedding. We changed it and his pajamas, put him back down, and he vomited again. I think he's dry heaving now... what can we do for him??? Should we call the pedi on-call?

Google says to give him electrolyte drink every 20 minutes until he keeps it down for 8 hours - does that mean all night long???

Re: Help - Baby vomiting!

  • To me, vomiting=calling the doctor.  ASAP.
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  • I would call your pedi to see what he/she recommends.  Good luck!

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  • There is a really bad stomach virus going around. ?Is your DC in daycare or could he have been exposed another way (older sibling, playdates, etc.)?

    ?My 7 month old DD just had a stomach virus and vomitted after every feeding but I knew she was getting enough to keep her nourished b/c she had wet and poopy diapers. ?It only lasted about 24 hours--my 3 year old had it much longer.

    ?If you are BFing, I know the advice is to keep nursing on demand. ?It's scary, but it seems much worse than it really is!


    Oh and I would not give the pedialite all night--if he sleeps, let him sleep!?

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