Hello ladies,
Let me start by introdicing myself I am 36y I already have 3 DS over the age 10 I got married 7/7/07...
Now my dilemma; I JUST confirmed my pregnancy like two weeks ago by going to a clinic and having a blood preg test, then they referred me to come back the following week to get a u/s and thats when I found out it is twins.....(they both had healthy heartbeats and grow was on schedule according to u/s) now for me to back up a little, in may I had a miscarriage so my cycle was wishy washy for lack of better words so I never really thought anything of it until I started getting nausea and a nasty taste in my mouth...
the ob/gyn I normally go to has retired and closed his office so now I'm trying to find a new doc (I have prenatal vitamins I got from the clinic) and I keep getting told after the new year which is making me nervous because I have been reading up on multiples and how I fall in the high risk category and it seems that I need prenatal care right away......
Should I go to the emergency room to try to get a referral for care before then or shall I just wait it out! THANKS FOR LISTENING! sorry so long
Re: Kinda of worried & scared...long
Congrats on your twins.
How far along are you? While you need prenatal care, it's not as urgent if you are earlier rather than later. But don't go to the ER, they won't be able to do anything for you. Call the clinic again for additional referrals. Do you have insurance, if so try calling your insurance for a referral to an OB who can see you.
Congratulations and welcome to our group!
I agree with the other ladies. The ER is not necessary and would not be helpful. After New years isn't that far off. My first doc appointment was at 8wks, and my second was at 14 wks. We didn't even know it was twins until 15 wks by accident only to find out I had one of the highest risk twin pregnancies out there, and I still personally had a great pregnancy. I never went into preterm labor or anything. I would say the doctor's offices may want you to be a certain amount of weeks along before they see you. Mainly because there isn't TOO much any doctor can do for someone so early in a pregnancy (not sure how far along you are).
I would assume you'll be referred to a perinatologist once you are seen by a doctor. Lots of health and happiness to you! Congrats again!
Thanks sweater,
I spoke to someone in another doctors office and she said because of the holidays a lot of doc is on vacation thats why I cannot get a appointment until the beginning of the year. Also I am 17weeks 3d