Babies: 9 - 12 Months

help what is this!!

DD has small red dots on her girly parts and a couple on her butt, is this diaper rash or should i be more concerned? TIA

Re: help what is this!!

  • It definitely could be diaper rash.  DD has had similar sounding diaper rash. Put some diaper cream on and see if its still there tomorrow.
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
  • Might be a yeast infection.
    Sisters:  Now and then.


    Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten!
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  • probably so. My DS "tip" gets red along w/ cheeks when he's teething = acidic poopie. After bathtime make sure its really dryed off, lather in ointment then diaper. Should be better in a.m. :)
  • sounds like yeast diaper rash... DD had once and pedi gave us some little tube of cream and it cleared up in 2-3 days. If it is yeast, normal diaper cream does nothing.
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