Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Blanket question...

At what age or developmental milestone is it considered safe to allow your child to sleep with a blanket and or stuffed animal? TIA

Re: Blanket question...

  • At our 9-month WB visit, my pediatrician mentioned that it would be okay to use a light blanket.

    We haven't put one in there yet and I'm not sure when I would feel comfortable doing so. She moves around so much in the crib and hates anything on her face, so I don't want to do it and have her freak out.

  • We started a light knit blanket, the kind with wholes, at 6 months. No problems. She also sleeps in her sleep sack so is okay the blanket is light.
    Addison Elizabeth
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Carter James
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • we've been using an afghan since DD could roll over
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