Babies: 9 - 12 Months

NBR: Dr. Oz

I was just flipping through channels and stopped at Oprah to see what today's topic was and noticed that Dr. Oz is on again.  I don't watch Oprah often but I do when the topic interests me.  Anyway, Dr. Oz is on a lot.  I am wondering if he is going to be the next Dr. Phil.... How long before he has his own show you think? [Poll]
Melissa, Mom to Audrey 01.11.06, Brianna 04.21.08, Clara 09.09.10 & Baby #4 is on the way!
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Re: NBR: Dr. Oz

  • Well, I chose the second option even though I don't really agree with it.  Dr Oz has been around too long to be a "fad" but I don't believe he will have his own show.  Partly because I think that's too much with him being a surgeon as well and partly because then he would have to contend with The Doctors. 


    I heart Dr Oz.

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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