Babies: 9 - 12 Months

XP: thoughts about gifts for teachers, from a teacher

posted this on 0-6 but thought i would post it here too.

granted, i dont teach at a daycare but i am assuming they feel the same way about certain things.

chances are...they dont want a picture of your kid.  saw this as a suggestion when we had pictures taken.  ive gotten plenty of these and they are up in my classroom but really?  i have a ton of pictures of these kids - especially the ones plastered in my head.

 i generally do not eat baked goods that are given to me.  dont ask me why but unless i know the family REALLY well, i dont eat it. 

apple and teacher stuff is fun when you are a new teacher but you can only have so much.  LOL

honestly, a thank you card is my favorite gift of all.  a hand written note of appreciation means more than you will ever know.  add in a small gift card, $5 to starbucks and i am more happy than anyone you can imagine.

seriously, teachers really dont need a lot.  appreciation is often the best gift of all.

Re: XP: thoughts about gifts for teachers, from a teacher

  • Thanks for posting!  I was wondering if/what to do for DD's daycare teachers.  Although I don't think I would have given them a pic of DD for Christmas -LOL!
  • you would be SHOCKED at how many people think we would like a picture of their kid
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  • I agree! As a teacher, I end up tossing a lot of the gifts I've been given b/c I don't need that much clutter. I love a thank you card (the best gift) and maybe a gift card too (Barnes and Noble or Starbucks are my faves).
  • Now, why would you want a picture of someone else's kid?  Especially when you see them about as much as their parents do?  That crap would drive me batty.
  • Oh yes, I've gotten tons of pics of my students.  As pp said, a thank you card with or without a gift card is much appreciated.  I just donated about 30 '"teacher" mugs that I've collected over the last few years and I don't even drink coffee.
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  • I completely agree with everything you just said.  The heartfelt thank yous are the ones that really stand out in my head! 
  • This is good to know.  Thank you.
  • Another teacher weighing in...

    Something small that still seems personal is the best gift to me.  Last year (when PG with DS), I was addicted to those candy cane Hershey's Kisses.  One of my students brought me a bag of them with a little bow stuck on top.  Another brought me a 4-pack of Dublin Dr. Pepper (ahh, heaven in a bottle!).  Each gift probably cost them $2-$3, but it was definitely the thought that counted most!

  • Books for the class library would be my dream gift. But alas, I am stuck with perfume from the dollar store...
  • imageweebaby:

    ?i generally do not eat baked goods that are given to me.? dont ask me why but unless i know the family REALLY well, i dont eat it.?

    honestly, a thank you card is my favorite gift of all.? a hand written note of appreciation means more than you will ever know.? add in a small gift card, $5 to starbucks and i am more happy than anyone you can imagine.

    seriously, teachers really dont need a lot.? appreciation is often the best gift of all.



    I totally agree!! I will not eat baked goods. I am very particular about where/how my foods is cooked.?For me a thank you/ appreciation or a small personal gift would be perfect. And please no more of the ?holiday stuffed animals. I have a ton that are just taking up space.

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