So, are there any Mothers on the board NOT getting their children vaccinated? I am not, but I am just curious if there are any others and for what reasons(if you want to share).
Your not going to get any of your baby any of her shots? I believe she'll need them before she can go to school-yes? The deseases scare me much more than the vaccinations do.
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I'm not. Ds had a bad reaction to his first round when he was a baby and then we found out that I am HIGHLY allergic to one of the fillers used. Because of that we decided to delay all shots and when we do decide to give them we will do selective vaccines and will be denying quite a few.
Also, I think they give WAY too many shots now. There is NO NEED for a Chicken Pox vaccine.
Your not going to get any of your baby any of her shots? I believe she'll need them before she can go to school-yes? The deseases scare me much more than the vaccinations do.
Your not going to get any of your baby any of her shots? I believe she'll need them before she can go to school-yes? The deseases scare me much more than the vaccinations do.
She had her 2 and 4 month ones. I am not gonna have her get anymore until she is at least 2. The whole autism thing scares the crap out of me since she has two cousins that have it. As far as school goes, even if I never gave them to her she could still go. I can say it is against my religious/philosophical beliefs.
I'm not. Ds had a bad reaction to his first round when he was a baby and then we found out that I am HIGHLY allergic to one of the fillers used. Because of that we decided to delay all shots and when we do decide to give them we will do selective vaccines and will be denying quite a few.
Also, I think they give WAY too many shots now. There is NO NEED for a Chicken Pox vaccine.
Yes that is another thing, they have greatly increased the amount of vaccines given to children.
We aren't doing any, and in our state you can sign a religious exemption. There are numerous reasons that we decided not to, none of which relate to the media hype of recent years. I was not vaccinated as a child and I've grown up learning why my parents made this decision. We are trying to do things as natural as possible (bfing, organic foods, etc). Why would I want to introduce all of those chemicals into my babies system? Also, there's a lot of research out there that shows most of the diseases we vaccinate against were already on the decline before the vaccines were introduced. There's also the fact that a disease must have a carrier with a weakened system to be able to make them sick, hence bfing, exercise, good diets provide much more protection from disease. I could go on all day, but I'm those are just some of our reasons.
Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09.
Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!!
DH and I discussed it and in the end we decided to do the shots. ?After a lot of research there is no evidence that vaccinations are responsible for autism. ?Also, there have been a lot of outbreaks recently (particularly in CA) due to parents not vaccinating their children. ?If DS ended up with polio or Hib we would never be able to forgive ourselves knowing that these are completely preventable diseases. ?We can, as a society, eradicate devastating diseases through vaccinations, but only if we all participate. We do not, however, believe in routine vaccination against the flu which we can not eliminate due to its ability to mutate and adapt. ?
We aren't doing any, and in our state you can sign a religious exemption. There are numerous reasons that we decided not to, none of which relate to the media hype of recent years. I was not vaccinated as a child and I've grown up learning why my parents made this decision. We are trying to do things as natural as possible (bfing, organic foods, etc). Why would I want to introduce all of those chemicals into my babies system? Also, there's a lot of research out there that shows most of the diseases we vaccinate against were already on the decline before the vaccines were introduced. There's also the fact that a disease must have a carrier with a weakened system to be able to make them sick, hence bfing, exercise, good diets provide much more protection from disease. I could go on all day, but I'm those are just some of our reasons.
I agree. The reason a lot of those diseases aren't a problem anymore isn't even due to vaccines, but antibiotics.
DH and I discussed it and in the end we decided to do the shots. After a lot of research there is no evidence that vaccinations are responsible for autism. Also, there have been a lot of outbreaks recently (particularly in CA) due to parents not vaccinating their children. If DS ended up with polio or Hib we would never be able to forgive ourselves knowing that these are completely preventable diseases. We can, as a society, eradicate devastating diseases through vaccinations, but only if we all participate. We do not, however, believe in routine vaccination against the flu which we can not eliminate due to its ability to mutate and adapt.
There are some things to suggest vaccines and autism are linked. I would just rather be safe than sorry. It is a HUGE life changing thing.There also isn't enough evidence to convince me that vaccines are NOT linked to autism.
I think its important to educate yourself and weigh the risks. We do something similar to the selective vaccination schedule in Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book. Like PP, I agree that the chicken pox vaccine is unnecessary. If you do the research, you will find that is is actually better for a child to get the regular chicken pox and develop a natural immunity, rather than be vaccinated and build up a pseudo-immunity. With the concern over the MMR vaccination, we are electing to delay those until after 18 months AND give them separately. It costs more money, but it's totally worth it, IMO. We'll consider Polio immunizations if we ever travel out of the Western Hemisphere.
However, like other PPs, I agree that it is irresponsible to completely eschew modern medicine and community health practices and not vaccinate at all. There are several immunizations that are important for infant children to recieve, not only for their own personal well-being, but for the collective safety of our population. It is important that we take these things into consideration as well.
We delay/stagger them. They should be all caught up by age 2 or 3. Depends.
I didn't like the idea of giving them so many at once. So, they're more spread out.
My oldest is all caught up, except for MMR and chicken pox. My youngest is 6mo, but is at the 4mo vax stage.
They'll get them eventually. I think some are very important, but not important enough to get them all at once.
DH and I also got vaccinated with the TDaP and got our titers checked for MMR and chicken pox. So, we're immune. Most pertussis cases are brought home by a parent or guardian, so us being protected protects them during the period they're not immune.
We go more often, which is a pain, but it's what I'm most comfortable with at this point.
Lucky for you all the rest of us are vaccinating our kids so yours don't get sick.
I hate responses like this.
Sorry! I'm sorry that your DC had a bad reaction, but seriously, some things like whooping cough are serious! I am doing an alternative and very delayed schedule and skipping shots I think are unnecessary, but I don't think that all vaccines are bad.
Lucky for you all the rest of us are vaccinating our kids so yours don't get sick.
I hate responses like this.
Sorry! I'm sorry that your DC had a bad reaction, but seriously, some things like whooping cough are serious! I am doing an alternative and very delayed schedule and skipping shots I think are unnecessary, but I don't think that all vaccines are bad.
Whooping cough is serious if you have a compromised immune system. A lot of times bronchitis is misdiagnosed and it should have been labeled whooping cough. It is treatable. Uncomfortable, but treatable.
Look...I'm not against all vaccines. I'm jut against the holier-than-thou attitude that anyone who chooses to vaccinate is a better then those who choose not to. There are LOTS of reasons why a family might choose to deny or delay vaccines. I encourage everyone to do research to find the best choice for them.
I tend to think that the holier than thou attitude comes from those who choose not to vaccinate. We can agree to disagree. Sorry my original post came off pissy, I just got frustrated about this issue earlier today.
Going into this whole vaccine thing, I was against giving her shots. Think about this, someone from another country comes for a visit and has some contagious something or other that we give our children shots for....think of what that will do to your baby if your baby were to come into contact with that person. I do agree that there are many shots that are unnecessary like chicken pox. I live in a state that has a higher chance of autism than any other state and that scares me but I know that most of the vaccines are for the best. As for the religious waiver, I know that the health department where Lily goes to school asks for actual passages or whatever they are called in your "bible" thing. So, there goes that idea!! I should note, however, that Lily does only gets one shot at a time. We go back every week until we are up to date. I couldn't imagine giving her 4 shots at once....for the pain and for the mixture of vaccines. I feel a little more comfortable about the whole vaccine thing by doing it this way.
Re: Vaccines?
I'm not. Ds had a bad reaction to his first round when he was a baby and then we found out that I am HIGHLY allergic to one of the fillers used. Because of that we decided to delay all shots and when we do decide to give them we will do selective vaccines and will be denying quite a few.
Also, I think they give WAY too many shots now. There is NO NEED for a Chicken Pox vaccine.
In most states you can sign a waiver.
She had her 2 and 4 month ones. I am not gonna have her get anymore until she is at least 2. The whole autism thing scares the crap out of me since she has two cousins that have it. As far as school goes, even if I never gave them to her she could still go. I can say it is against my religious/philosophical beliefs.
I hate responses like this.
Yes that is another thing, they have greatly increased the amount of vaccines given to children.
We aren't doing any, and in our state you can sign a religious exemption. There are numerous reasons that we decided not to, none of which relate to the media hype of recent years. I was not vaccinated as a child and I've grown up learning why my parents made this decision. We are trying to do things as natural as possible (bfing, organic foods, etc). Why would I want to introduce all of those chemicals into my babies system? Also, there's a lot of research out there that shows most of the diseases we vaccinate against were already on the decline before the vaccines were introduced. There's also the fact that a disease must have a carrier with a weakened system to be able to make them sick, hence bfing, exercise, good diets provide much more protection from disease. I could go on all day, but I'm those are just some of our reasons.
I agree. The reason a lot of those diseases aren't a problem anymore isn't even due to vaccines, but antibiotics.
There are some things to suggest vaccines and autism are linked. I would just rather be safe than sorry. It is a HUGE life changing thing.There also isn't enough evidence to convince me that vaccines are NOT linked to autism.
I think its important to educate yourself and weigh the risks. We do something similar to the selective vaccination schedule in Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book. Like PP, I agree that the chicken pox vaccine is unnecessary. If you do the research, you will find that is is actually better for a child to get the regular chicken pox and develop a natural immunity, rather than be vaccinated and build up a pseudo-immunity. With the concern over the MMR vaccination, we are electing to delay those until after 18 months AND give them separately. It costs more money, but it's totally worth it, IMO. We'll consider Polio immunizations if we ever travel out of the Western Hemisphere.
However, like other PPs, I agree that it is irresponsible to completely eschew modern medicine and community health practices and not vaccinate at all. There are several immunizations that are important for infant children to recieve, not only for their own personal well-being, but for the collective safety of our population. It is important that we take these things into consideration as well.
We delay/stagger them. They should be all caught up by age 2 or 3. Depends.
I didn't like the idea of giving them so many at once. So, they're more spread out.
My oldest is all caught up, except for MMR and chicken pox. My youngest is 6mo, but is at the 4mo vax stage.
They'll get them eventually. I think some are very important, but not important enough to get them all at once.
DH and I also got vaccinated with the TDaP and got our titers checked for MMR and chicken pox. So, we're immune. Most pertussis cases are brought home by a parent or guardian, so us being protected protects them during the period they're not immune.
We go more often, which is a pain, but it's what I'm most comfortable with at this point.
Sorry! I'm sorry that your DC had a bad reaction, but seriously, some things like whooping cough are serious! I am doing an alternative and very delayed schedule and skipping shots I think are unnecessary, but I don't think that all vaccines are bad.
Whooping cough is serious if you have a compromised immune system. A lot of times bronchitis is misdiagnosed and it should have been labeled whooping cough. It is treatable. Uncomfortable, but treatable.
Look...I'm not against all vaccines. I'm jut against the holier-than-thou attitude that anyone who chooses to vaccinate is a better then those who choose not to. There are LOTS of reasons why a family might choose to deny or delay vaccines. I encourage everyone to do research to find the best choice for them.
Going into this whole vaccine thing, I was against giving her shots. Think about this, someone from another country comes for a visit and has some contagious something or other that we give our children shots for....think of what that will do to your baby if your baby were to come into contact with that person. I do agree that there are many shots that are unnecessary like chicken pox. I live in a state that has a higher chance of autism than any other state and that scares me but I know that most of the vaccines are for the best. As for the religious waiver, I know that the health department where Lily goes to school asks for actual passages or whatever they are called in your "bible" thing. So, there goes that idea!! I should note, however, that Lily does only gets one shot at a time. We go back every week until we are up to date. I couldn't imagine giving her 4 shots at once....for the pain and for the mixture of vaccines. I feel a little more comfortable about the whole vaccine thing by doing it this way.