Babies: 9 - 12 Months

The emotions are SO different this time around....

Seriously... with Rylee... I was SO worried about money... I had NO idea how we were going to do it.... It saddens me to think that one of the "dark" times of my life (that sounds bad... but you know what I mean) was those first few weeks (maybe som PPD in there too?)... I was pinching EVERY penny.  I remember going to the doc for a UTI and crying, cause I had just spent 30 bucks.   But one thing I never worried about was taking care of her.  Not even once!

With this one, money is not even a concern.  We have changed our lifestyle completly to live off of one income.  The thing I am MOST concerned with is caring for this little one.  I look at my niece who is 18 months and wonder how I would handle HER and a newborn.  I worry that there won't be enough love for everyone.  That to love the new little one, that I'll have to take something from Rylee...

Great... now I crying.  I am sick of the hormones already!

And I know there is NO point to this post... I just had to get it out....

Rylee - 3.28.08
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD

Re: The emotions are SO different this time around....

  • WOW, I feel exactly the same! Especially because I did not plan on a 2nd baby so soon. I feel almost bad, like I am betraying DD by having another baby. It sounds crazy but I know exactly what you mean! Don't make me
  • It's the fear of the unknown lvisser.  Think back to Rylee and the things that you worried about.  Those fears aren't there any longer because you've gone through it and now know you were worried for nothing. 

    You are only fearing the things you haven't experienced yet.  When you look back in a year from now, you'll wonder why you worried about these fears.

    I'm sure I'll have those same thoughts but, just remind yourself that you're bringing something equally as a blessing into your family as Rylee is.

    Keep your head up Lvisser!  You'll be okay!  : )

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  • i am just the opposite- when we had DD we had two full time incomes. now we are living off 1 income plus unemployment, which doesnt last forever. DH is trying to finish his nursing degree but wont be able to since I will be layed off next school year. I am more worried about money than caring for 2 under 1!!
  • i know exactly what you mean. ?I was rock solid normal my first pregnancy and this one i have been an emotional train wreck from the beginning. ?We were trying so i know it wasn't shock or anything, just plain old hormones taking control. DS is so hard to keep entertained that I freak out on a regular basis about keeping him entertained while I'm nursing or just taking care of number 2. ?You are not alone.
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