DD is just not interested in much of anything besides my boob. We started trying table foods a month ago b/c she would have nothing to do with purees but even that is hit or miss and she eats at most 5 or so pieces of food unless it is something sweet or cheese but she can not survive only on fruit, cheese, and puffs. Any tips? I'm going back to work soon and will be weaning and am a little worried.
Re: Anyone's 10+ month old still hate eating?
I have a 23 lb baby who hates food. Oh the irony.
Maddie will eat a few varieties of purees and no table food whatsoever. We keep offering all kinds of things, but she just pushes our hands away.
I hear ya except my kid is stuck on rice...anything but the cereal. He could eat 1-2 rice cakes in a sitting if you'd let him, and he loves puffed brown rice cereal. Occasionally, he'll eat cut up green beans, and last night he actually ate about a tablespoon of steamed peas. Maybe we're making progress.
FWIW, I've been back at work since he was 13wks old, and he's never had any FF supplements. It can be done. I'm thinking that my almost 26lb'er will get hungry enough to eat when we start the weaning process though.
ds is still just a formula baby
on average ds will eat 1-3 jars of food a week! yes a week
dr says just keep trying
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

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