Babies: 9 - 12 Months

? for moms of daycare babies

DD hasn't been to daycare for about 3 months so I have some questions.  What do you give your baby (solids) for breakfast, lunch and snack? Also DD is walking (still wobbly), do I bring shoes or are her treaded slipper shoes good? Any other helpfull hints? Thanks.

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: ? for moms of daycare babies

  • Food is supplied at my daycare, but they generally give dry cereal or oatmeal and some kind of fruit at breakfast. Lunch is all kinds of normal foods that they feed the older kids. They just cut it up for the babies. All the walking babies (not mine) are wearing shoes at daycare.
    Married to Jon 9-18-2004
    Kate was born 1-26-2008
    Natural m/c on 10-18-09 at 9.5 weeks
    Mira was born 9-14-2010
  • DS is at an in-home daycare. ?she provides baby food through her daycare food services program (through the state). ?right now he only gets oatmeal for b-fast and just formula the rest of the day. ?at 6mo we will start oatmeal/fruit for b-fast and eventually add in a veggie for lunch.

    none of the kids wear shoes at her house. ?she has a basket at her door that they put them in. ?they all wonder around in slipper-type socks. ?but her house is all carpet - no hardwoods to slip on.?

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  • i'm not sure about the shoes, because we aren't there yet. .?

    for forrd, we have to bring food . . so, I send them her breaksfast, lunch and dinner. . i will say that snack is provided when she leaves the infant room?

  • Now that DS only wants table food, he eats what the daycare center's kitchen cooks each day.  He usually wears Robeez.
  • At our Daycare, we have to provide the baby food.

    Other than 3 bottles of formula, for bfast its Yo Baby yogurt, lunch gerber stage 3 veggie and one stage 2 fruit desert, for snack its another fruit desert and puffs, gerber crunchies and/or crackers and Juice.

    My DS is walking but he does not wear shoes, just socks.

    Most of the walking/cruising babies do not wear shoes at our day care.

  • Food is supplied by my daycare so I'm no help there.  As far as shoes, once my older DD started walking, I got her a pair of sneakers rather than the robeez type shoes to wear.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Breakfast is served until 7:30am and I get there are 8:15 so I bring in her breakfast. Usually I bring in oatmeal and fruit. Lunch is provided and snacks. I bring in sippy cups of milk. As far as the shoes, I bring her in shoes but usually they come off or some other baby takes them off so they don't last long.

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