DD hasn't been to daycare for about 3 months so I have some questions. What do you give your baby (solids) for breakfast, lunch and snack? Also DD is walking (still wobbly), do I bring shoes or are her treaded slipper shoes good? Any other helpfull hints? Thanks.
Re: ? for moms of daycare babies
Kate was born 1-26-2008
Natural m/c on 10-18-09 at 9.5 weeks
Mira was born 9-14-2010
DS is at an in-home daycare. ?she provides baby food through her daycare food services program (through the state). ?right now he only gets oatmeal for b-fast and just formula the rest of the day. ?at 6mo we will start oatmeal/fruit for b-fast and eventually add in a veggie for lunch.
none of the kids wear shoes at her house. ?she has a basket at her door that they put them in. ?they all wonder around in slipper-type socks. ?but her house is all carpet - no hardwoods to slip on.?
i'm not sure about the shoes, because we aren't there yet. .?
for forrd, we have to bring food . . so, I send them her breaksfast, lunch and dinner. . i will say that snack is provided when she leaves the infant room?
At our Daycare, we have to provide the baby food.
Other than 3 bottles of formula, for bfast its Yo Baby yogurt, lunch gerber stage 3 veggie and one stage 2 fruit desert, for snack its another fruit desert and puffs, gerber crunchies and/or crackers and Juice.
My DS is walking but he does not wear shoes, just socks.
Most of the walking/cruising babies do not wear shoes at our day care.
Breakfast is served until 7:30am and I get there are 8:15 so I bring in her breakfast. Usually I bring in oatmeal and fruit. Lunch is provided and snacks. I bring in sippy cups of milk. As far as the shoes, I bring her in shoes but usually they come off or some other baby takes them off so they don't last long.