have yall gone to babycenter?
?this is what it said for week 2 of 8 months old...
my ds is ONLY banging toys- he's been doing that for a while. he presses everything but is no where close to pointing to body parts, brushing his hair, or putting a phone to his ear. do these 8 month old skills listed seem advanced?
?(i know crawling is not a milestone, but he has no upper body strength and no interest in crawling! he tries to pull up, but can't do it all the way)
PLEASE please, tell me what your 8 -9 month old is doing!?
Re: my 8mo old is not doing things that babycenter says
Mine is crawling and pulling up on stuff, but if he attempted to put a phone to his ear and brush his own hair I would call ripley's believe it or not to proclaim I had a genuis baby!
I never thought to show him how a phone works, but I do show him.. mama brush hair.. baby brush hair and I go back and forth between us. he still only wants to eat the brush.
I won't not worry too much and besides next month is the 9 month well visits you can ask the pedi to see what they think baby should be doing.
Max 4-08-08 and Michael 2-03-91 (19 years olds)
"Over the next few months, she'll start to use objects for their intended purposes ? brushing her hair, drinking from a cup, and babbling on her play phone."
That is what Babycenter says. It does not expect that an 8-month-old would be able to do these things yet. My 8-month-old does the same stuff that yours does. She can crawl but not very well. Just relax.
Max 4-08-08 and Michael 2-03-91 (19 years olds)
Emerson tries sitting up from her side and almost has it but not quite yet. She's not crawling or pulling up but, she's a big baby (95th percentile for weight and 99th for length). She certainly doesn't try to brush her hair or hold the phone yet.