DS still nurses 5 times a day and eats solids for breakfast and dinner. Up until a few weeks ago, he would only eat like half of a Stage 2 jar at each meal. He is a big baby (25 pounds), so I was not worried that he wasn't getting enough. Now he is eating more (small pancake and 1/2 a stage 2 jar for breakfast, full stage 2 jar for dinner) but is not nursing as much the last feeding of the day. I feel like at this stage I should be adding in a 3rd meal but I don't want his nursing intake to go down even more if he should still primarily be getting his nutrition from breastmilk until 1 year. WDYT - any advice?
Re: 9 1/2 months - should I add a 3rd meal?
It sounds like you might to want to add a lunch but no new food! You said he eats a small pancake, that could be breakfast. Than than the 1/2 stage 2 jar could be lunch. Dinner the same.