Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Hoping to put my mind at ease...

I posted this on the 0-6 month board and then realized you all probably could answer this also.  My daughter was born June 14th and I bled for about 2 months. Nothing heavy...just annoying. Thing is...I have not gotten my period since. So of course...first thought is "am I pregnant?" I took 2 tests and they both are negative. I breastfed for 5 months so I'm hoping my body hasn't "caught up" yet. How long did it take for your period to start again? I'm just hoping nothing's wrong...and don't want to call the dr. for a stupid question. TIA!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers #1-DD born June 14, 2008 at 40w4d...Our Little Bug is growing so fast! #2-HB 7w5d, Missed mc 3/30/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 8w1d) #3-DS born April 5, 2011 at 38w2d...Our Little Boy is getting so big! #4-Baby #3 is due May 26, 2014! image

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