Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What is considered crawling?

Do you consider crawling to be hands and knees or does army crawling count?

Re: What is considered crawling?

  • I think army crawling counts...once DD starts making forward-progress I'll consider it crawling!!  :)
  • I didn't know either...I didn't really say she was crawling until she was on hands and knees...I guess I thought of army crawling as scooting.
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  • imageShanseur*:
    I didn't know either...I didn't really say she was crawling until she was on hands and knees...I guess I thought of army crawling as scooting.

    I always thought it was hands and knees.  If not DD has been "crawling" since 6 months).  She gets up on hands and knees and then lunges herself forward.  She has done hands and knees a few inches but then decides it's faster to lunge.

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