Arlo will be considered a "lap child" on our flight next week and I am wondering if he still qualifies for his own quart-sized bag? He has lots of creams and stuff for his eczema, some of which are expensive and I don't want to risk losing/damaging any of them with checked baggage.
Also wondering if breastmilk counts because my brother, sister, DH and I will be going to Busch Gardens for one afternoon and I have to bring EBM with us for my parents to give Arlo while we're gone. Thanks!
Re: Air travel? Liquids for baby...
I just traveles with Julian for the first time over Thanksginving and babies have thier own exceptions to many of the rules. We brought on formula, food, diaper ointments, medicines, just about everythig we were going to need and didnt have a problem. they just pull you aside and use some machine around the outside of the containers to test for explosives. you should check with your airpirort but most of them now have "family lanes" so you bawsically bypass the entire secutiry line and go straight to the front.
sorry, I know there are lots of typos in here, but I dont feel like correcting