Ugh its so frustrating. EVERY SINGLE time i try to put her down for a nap she poops. DD is not into rocking- so i will give her a bottle, hold her, let her drink and when she is done, I place her in the crib and she always goes to sleep on her own. Last week- she has mastered the pooping trick. I will put her down and instead of going right to sleep, she will hang in her crib and babble a bit and then poop. I will go in a couple of minutes later to pat her butt and smell it.
So of course i change her. and we start the routine over again. poops again.
She looks at me and laughs like she actually is doing it on purpose.
she has done this EVERY single morning last week and both days this week. She poops twice a day- during her morning nap attempts.
Re: DD's new DIRTY trick
Haha she wants to spend more time with you!