So, DD can crawl and pull up on things to stand now. I don't want to just confine her to her playpen or playing in her VERY SMALL carpeted bedroom, but whenever I try to let her crawl on the wood flooring (its fake....its very slippery) she just ends up hurting herself and slipping on her knees and landing on her face! So what do you do? Only have limited places for your child to play? Let them practice on the wood floor every now and then? I feel bad that she doesn't get to explore more.
Re: Moms with wood or vinyl flooring
We just ordered some baby knee pads because all our floors are wood.
We have hardwood and one rug in our living room. The rest of the house, other than our bedroom & the nursery, is hardwood as well.
Calloway had no issues learning to crawl, pull up or cruise unassisted on the hardwood. We do keep an extremely close eye on him, because slippage DOES happen, but he hasn't hurt himself. These babies are super resistant, yanno.
Just let her crawl. Watch her. There's not much else you can do.
we have hardwood thourghout the main floor. I put one of those mat things down. So DS plays on that but of course he crawls everywhere and he doesn't mind the wood. They find their ways