I called her tonight to ask about my SIL's (BIL's wife) graduation ceremony this friday. When I mentioned SIL's name, MIL got kind of choked up and I could tell that she'd been crying. I cautiously asked what was wrong without trying to be nosy. It sounded like she needed to get something out, but I wasn't sure if she'd be willing to talk to me about it (we used to be close, haven't been in the last 2 years, long story). Turns out SIL is mad at IL's for leaving their car at SIL/BIL's house (which is near the airport) when they went on vacation recently and they didn't stay to visit before they went to the airport or when they came back. MIL gave them a heads up beforehand letting them know they wouldn't have time to visit before they left on an early flight and their return flight came in at midnight. Also, the day before this, MIL hosted a very nice Thanksgiving for the family, so it's not like she was p*ssing away her time.
Anyway, I guess SIL was pretty aggressive about it and MIL feels so bad now and was pretty upset (she has a lot going on I guess and this just tipped her over the edge). While SIL/BIL are fun people, they don't have any kids yet and they nitpick everything. When they come home to visit, they'd criticize IL's house saying it needed to be remodeled (we recently did that....BIL and SIL didn't help). They complain that there's not enough pictures of them on the fridge. Um, it's mostly grandkids and who cares? I definitely have my issues with MIL sometimes, but I don't try to make her feel bad on purpose. MIL has apologized but I guess SIL still isn't happy.
I just told MIL that as much as she wants everyone to be happy, sometimes one of us (4 kids, 2 in-laws including me), isn't going to be very happy with her or another sibling and that's OKAY. If she can fix it, great. If not, give it time. She can't fix everything and some of it has NOTHING to do with her. Let SIL be mad over not getting to visit at the crack of dawn or at 2am. I mean really, who wants to do that? I could've only hoped that any of the issues I had with MIL in the last 2 years were that little, lol. I can't wait until they have kids and it's not all about them and what they think everyone else should be doing anymore....should be great entertainment.
Re: Hell froze over. I defended my MIL.