Roughly how long did it take you? I love the look and the sentimental value, but am trying to make sure I don't commit myself to something that I don't have time to finish
I worked on mine in the evenings for about a week. It definitely could have been done more quickly, if I had a larger block of time to work on it at once.
It really depends on the how detailed the design is that you picked out. The one I did for dh was very detailed so it took a few weeks atleast and I was able to work on it a lot during that time. The one I did for myself was much less detailed so it took me a week to do working on it a few hours each day. Next year I will be making one for ds.
I'm making one for DD right now. Well I started it while I was pregnant but I didn't get much done. I'm kind of a procrastinator though. I think if you had the time to commit to it you could finish in a couple weeks. As long as you know what you're doing when it comes to sewing by hand too.
Re: Did you do a felt stocking kit?