Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I don't know what's going on with DS tonight.

He went to bed a lot earlier than usual because he woke from his last nap much earlier than usual.  He was a bit over-tired when he went to bed because he didn't nap enough today.  About a half hour after he went to sleep, he woke up complaining, but then went back to sleep pretty quickly on his own.  I've heard him a few times since and now I'm hearing him off an on, kind of like he's moaning in his sleep.  I can't tell if he's awake or not.  I'm wondering if he's having a hard time staying asleep because he's over-tired or if maybe he's getting sick with something.  I guess I don't really have a question, but would love any input you might have.

Re: I don't know what's going on with DS tonight.

  • DD's sleep has been off tonight too, she napped earlier, went to bed earlier, actually fell asleep in my arms which is rare. I think her front teeth are about to come through and that may be part of the problem. Or the weather....
  • My DS has croup which started last night in the middle of the night. When he went to bed he was perfectly fine and then we heard him whining which led to this awful ( scary) cough.
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  • This was DD yesterday.  The night got better after 11.  Tonight it took 15 minutes to get her down but no problems since then.  Good luck!
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  • That's exactly what DS does when he goes to bed overtired, ok well not exactly since he usually screams his head off until you can get him calm again. ?It usually last for the first two hours of sleep and then he's good.
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