I'm being very kind in calling these things "boogeys" DD has a nose full of dried up snot (sorry so graphic) and she looks like a little street urchin! But if I go near her nose, she turns into Bruce Lee, kung fu blocking my every move. She's good, too. A little too good... Some days I just say "fine" have a nose full of boogeys, but it gets to a point that I can no longer as a responsible parent allow my child's nose to look like that. I know it hurts when they get really dried and hard, but they HAVE to come off!!
I miss the days when she was a sleepy little newborn and I could clean her nose, wipe her face and wipe her eyes without a shogun showdown!
Re: Any tips for drama-free boogey removal?
run the hot water in the bathroom & sit in the steam with her. it will loosen everything up.?
then wipe it off when she's not looking.?
how long do you sit there?
DS has a cold and its impossible to get the boobies out.
neya~ your son has boobies in his nose?! Yowza! ;p
Both the wet paper towel and the fingernail have received the smackdown. They are on DD's "do not approach" list for sure. Right now, the process basically involves a headlock and and baby wipe or a warm cloth. I feel sorry for the little girl, but she's gotta learn...no boogies--or boobies--in your nose!!!
rofl you know what's on my mind