Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sippy Cup?

My DS will be 6 months 2 days after Christmas.  When did you start with a sippy cup? Right now he only drinks formula can I put that in it and just put it on the high chair with him while he is eating dinner to see if he is interested.  He can already hold his bottle, so I thought I would start early.  Need some sippy cup advice. Thanks

Re: Sippy Cup?

  • We started it at 5 months and only put water in it until 11 months when we started transitioning to milk. 
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  • dr. and nurse said yet....we had to do this because ds wouldn't take a bottle at all!  We did sippy cup at 5 months with formula/and breastmilk.  he still will only take around 2 oz. give or take but we do put it,
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  • We started around 6 months with some water to sip when eating. In an ideal world, he'll associate a sippy cup with water or milk to enjoy with meals and a bottle with formula as a meal itself. That should make it easier to transition away from bottles. But of course, that's an ideal world. We'll see how it goes. Sometimes he does great with water in a sippy. And other times he lets the water collect in his mouth and then he opens his mouth and lets it all pour out down the front of him.

    Also Nuby cups, without the valves, have worked best for us, as well as countless other Nesties.

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