Do you believe that Jesus was man and do you agree in any part of the "DiVInci COde" theories that have been out there?
See...I think Jesus was born of Mary and is God's son but I also believe that he lived as a man and loved and hurt just as any human being did. So I don't think it's too far to think that he might have fallen in love with Mary M. I just don't know if I believe that she had his child.
Re: Okay...since I opened up the 1st debate...
Yes, I believe Jesus was a real man. However, I also believe that the Bible is a really good work of fiction (walking on water? I mean, come on!) with some truths thrown in here and there. Great storytelling told and passed down through many, many years. I don't really pay attention to thmuch at DaVinci Code stuff. It's also fascinating fiction.
this is getting to be fun
i believe that Jesus was "fully human and fully divine" and i dont believe the DiVinci Code theory. it s a great story, very interesting to think about, but i m pretty sure its shelved in "fiction" for a reason.
Dang, I'm late to this party and I have to leave town in a few and don't have time to catch up!!
Anyway, yes I believe Jesus was 100% God and 100% man, and the Bible says he "was at all points tempted, like we are, yet without sin," so yes, he had emotions/feelings/temptations. However the Da Vinci code is fiction. Obviously you can't believe the Bible and the Da Vinci code, so maybe this question is more for people who are not Bible believers...
Have you seen this?
ditto. I don't believe she had his child.
Of course. The Bible has been translated, re-translated, paraphrased, etc. on top the fact that pieces were picked and chosen to either be included or excluded.
Wish I had that great of an imagination - I would have more money than J.K. Rowling!
The davinci code was a great fun read but that's all.
There's a great non fiction historical book about mary magdalene as Jesus' wife and I loved it. It played out all the theory without the sensational plots etc... was out before the DaVinci Code.
I'll look up the book titlef or you. Yes I believe he was married and had a child. He was 33. That would have been old in those days not to have been married with a child. I also believe that he was both fully divine and fully human. It would absolutely have been in the church's best interest to cover up his humanness.
I think that the Bible is written as tales of morality, kind of like Aesop's Fables. I believe that there was a Jesus, but I don't believe that there was a man named Jonah who was swallowed by a whale. And I buy that there's a God, but that organized religion serves as a way to help people feel better about themselves, but it's also ver divisive. I'm not interested in organized religion.
And I recently learned about the Gnostic Gospels - that's an interesting story since religious leaders spurn them since they don't preach the "party line."
Coming in late..yes I believe Jesus is 100% God and 100% human. Also I believe he was married, probably to Mary Magdalene, and that they probably had children. I believed this before the Da Vinci code. If you believe that the Bible is the truth, and I do, then why not believe it when it says that Joseph fulfilled all his duties as a father to Jesus? if that is true, then he had Jesus married around 17-18yrs old to a Jewish girl, according to traditions of the time. Also, the Bible says that Mary Magdalene travelled with Jesus and the other disciples. For that to be true, she would have to be someone's wife. And she is not mentioned as the wife of another disciple. Furthermore, at the cross, Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene were there. Why was Mary Magdalene there at the foot of the cross if she was NOT his wife? Also, if sex between a married couple is holy and not sinful, then there is no reason Jesus would not have been married and doing it.
All that being said, I don't believe the Da Vinci Code is true, I have no idea if Mary M. went to France and all that. It's fictional. But yes I do think Jesus was married to Mary M and I don't think it's blasphemy to say that. I know most church members disagree with me. But I don't really get why. Jesus was a man..he was born, went through childhood, teenage years..adulthood to age 33..for him to truly understand us, I think we went through all that we go through, including marriage and probably fatherhood too. Does that make his kids divine? NO. Because he was totally 100% man too. So they were humans, if they existed.
Ok that was alot longer than I meant to make it. But there you go. I am a fully devoted follower of Christ who believes he was married.
I think the bible is fiction. So, neither.